Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Happy Birthday Medicare

Happy Birthday Medicare
We celebrate another milestone for the public good; the Supreme Court ruling that the Affordable care act is constitutional on June 28 is an important increment in health care reform. Forty –seven years ago, Lyndon Johnson signed the Medicare bill on July 30, 1965. Medicare was implemented into law on July 1, 1966. July 25, 2012 is National Call Day Birthday wishes to Congress for improved & expanded Medicare. 202-204-2431. Make the call.
Since 1966, seniors have enjoyed the security of an affordable package of guaranteed health care benefits. What would a GOP plan to end Medicare, in favor of tax breaks to big oil, hedge fund billionaires, huge corporations and corporate jet owners, mean??????  To date, this is the plan Romney would put in place of                    “Obama Care.”
It would end affordable benefits to 42 million elderly, Americans, 65 and older, plus people with disabilities. It would double their out-of-pockets expense. There would be an immediate increase in the cost of prescription drugs.
According to Health Care- Now, Paul Ryan’s Budget Proposal WILL ELIMINATE MEDICARE.

Those who are eligible for Medicare will receive a voucher with a predetermined amount for the difference between the voucher and the rise in insurance premiums. The problem is, the voucher will not keep up with health care spending, and the coverage will be unaffordable to the participant. This will force seniors and beneficiaries into the private for profit insurance market to purchase insurance, which is the intended goal to increase profits for CEO’s and stockholders who buy the elections through campaign contributions and media spending.

Those under fifty –five years of age will not be eligible for traditional Medicare. The age of eligibility will increase by 2 months per year until it reaches 67.
The Ryan proposal WEAKENS MEDICAID by eliminating the existing matching fund financing structure of Medicaid in 2013. Instead, each state will receive a pre-determined block grant.
According to CBO, states will be forced to reduce spending, lower the size of Medicaid programs by cutting payment rates for doctors, hospitals, and nursing homes. They will be forced to reduce the scope of benefits covered to limit eligibility.
According to the Secretary of Health and Human Services, the Affordable Care Act makes Medicare stronger and puts money back into senior’s pockets. Insurance premiums, that seniors pay, are reduced by 16%. It closes the gap in prescription drug coverage. Additional preventative services are provided, for screenings such as cancer, cholesterol and annual wellness checks, at no extra out of pocket expense to the senior. Hospitals are receiving new incentives to improve care by reducing hospital infections, increasing patient safety and lowering costs. New laws invest more resources to fight Medicare fraud.

1.5 million baby- boomers are enrolled in Medicare each year. The number of people receiving Medicare is higher than those paying into the system. It is predicted that the age of eligibility will have to be increased to 67 in the future. We need representatives in Washington who will work together to continue to strengthen Medicare.  The funding is unsustainable and does not resolve the issue of the overall high health care costs.

Without the Affordable Health Care Act, the Medicare system would have been broken within 4 years. Now the program has enough money to last 12 years.  In promoting the public good, the ACA provides millions of low income Americans with comprehensive health insurance, while some moderate income Americans, who cannot afford comprehensive insurance, are left on their own. More measures need to be taken to make a more just and equitable system.
Link: this website is a tool to help you understand how the insurance reform, Affordable Health Care Act will help you. You can learn more about the many wellness & prevention services that insurers are supposed to cover by Aug. 2012. You will find contact information for the Consumer Assistance Program to get help with questions and problems.

                                               REDUCE SPENDING THAT IS NOT MAKING AMERICA HEALTHIER 
Build on the benefits gained through the Affordable Health Care Act. 20 million Americans are still without health care, because many in Congress wanted to keep the cost under a trillion. If you do not see health care as a human right, just do the math and see where the waste is. The good measures of the Affordable Health Care Act should not be repealed. How would a good businesswoman balance the budget? She would trim the fat. Would she over pay for her families’ needs? The government’s relationship with the “for profit” insurance industry should come to an end. We have more control of government, at the voting booth, than we do over the greed of private corporations.

 Expanding Medicare for all would fund the system, to protect its sustainability, by pooling taxes of all Americans who already pay taxes into Medicare and Social Security. The benefit of the government “not for profit”, central collection agency, (which already exists through the Medicare Administration), is that  instead of a thousand insurance companies creating over head cost up to 31 %. Over head costs would be reduced to less than 5%. For most Americans there would be no increase in the amount of taxes that are already taken from their pay check. Insurance premiums would be eliminated altogether.
Ask a 5th grader what would be more cost effective and efficient? So who are the politicians working for concerning the US citizens’ right to affordable health care? Without your voice, the answer is the big money special interest groups, the Corporate Mafia, who pay salaries to Washington lobbyists in the disguise of letting the free market work. One might ask, “For whom does the free market work”?                                                                         

Get Two for One
Improve Medicare for All. Solve our health care crisis & improve our economy!
Don’t Be Duped….. You Can Be Your Own Lobbyist ….. Law Makers Need To Hear From You

Tell the governor of your state that you support the Affordable Health Care Act and to accept the federal funds that the ACA provides to give care to low income citizens. Vermont has been a leader in Single-Payer for years. ACA funds their system paving a way for them to more easily move their system to a Single Payer/ Medicare for all system.
Join the “Million Letter Campaign” at to receive a monthly reminder to down load a prewritten letter to sign and mail to your representative(s). Keep in mind 900 paid lobbyist nationally are trolling the halls of our capital representing the big money interest, insurance and pharmaceutical companies. The lobbyists are not looking out for your best interest. They are on the wrong side of the issue for a pay check. Collectively, the ‘Million Letter Campaign” creates a million dollars worth of advertising each month. There are 435 Congressional districts. The goal is to have 2 thousand plus letters from each district sent to Congressional and Senate leaders every month on a consistent basis, to let our representatives know there is a public will for the Single Payer System, improved and expanded Medicare for all.  Please log into the website, so that campaign success can be tracked.

Please sign up for the campaign at Keep the conversation among Americans about Medicare for all going. Without the voice of the people, Congress doesn’t believe there is a demand. The website has more detailed information about Single Payer and the campaign. Help the campaign website go viral by linking to face book, twitter or your favorite online social forum. Print or forward the newsletter to your friends, family and co-workers.
