Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Medicare 4 All Newsletter May Issue

The Million Letter Campaign

Be informed and sign up!             Be heard above the 900 paid lobbyists against health care reform!

Regardless of the Affordable Health Care Act and a mandate, the 2 trillion dollar cost of health care needs reduced and more people need included in the system. The relationship between the government and the “for profit” industries, which are adding to the enormity of the national debt, not your health care it- self, needs to end. Pressure from grass root organizing during a campaign year is a real opportunity to move President Obama to take more extensive action on health care.

Have you signed up to help promote Medicare for all at www.medicareforall.org? Be informed; you can find a wealth of education on house resolution HR 676 and details about the Million Letter Campaign at the website. Show Congress there is a political will for HR 676, Single Payer Health Care.

Debunking Myths

Myth #1, “It will cost too much!”

Polls show that 50 percent of Americans support HR676, Single Payer Health Care. The other half of the country is influenced by the many wrong ideas circulating about the universal health care systems. It is important to be armed with the correct information when confronted with this misinformation. 

For instance, it is often stated that Canada has a terrible system that increase tax rates to an astronomical proportion. The fact is that thirty-one cents out of every US dollar goes to the over head costs of administering health care and to pay CEO bonuses in the amount of tens of millions of dollars each year for a failing system. In Canada only one cent from every dollar goes to over head costs. Also, in Canada only 10 percent of the GPD goes toward health care and no one is denied care. In America, 17 percent of the GDP goes to health care and only eighty-five percent of the citizens are provided health care. Here is the biggest myth of all that people love to tell, taxes will be so increased that we will hate it.  After taxes were all averaged out Canadians only pay .1% more, after having a lower overhead and GDP, compared to Americans. With a Single Payer system in the US, everyone would be included, from the cradle to the grave, including long term care, regardless of income, job status, and age or pre-existing conditions.

 As it is, we allow 18,000 people to die each year because they have no health insurance. Just one CEO’s salary from the United Health Group in 2005 could have insured twice as many people. His salary was the 3rd largest paid in this country, 122.7 million dollars that year. There are over a thousand insurance companies in the US.

There is a faction in this country that cares more about profit than people.  Americans are not heartless; they need to know where the propaganda is coming from and to debrief themselves of all the misinformation circulating by those who want to protect the investment and profit machines. Health care is a human right and service not a commodity for investment and profit.   

Myth #2, “It is socialized medicine!”

 With improved and expanded Medicare for all, HR 676, doctors will remain independent in private practice and hospitals will be operated by private or non-profit charitable groups. You will choose your own doctors which will increase competition between providers, not an insurance company deciding where you will receive care among their providers.

The improvement will come from providers sending their claims to one “not for profit place” to get paid for the health care service they provided, instead of a thousand of different insurance companies. 

Talking points

47- 50 million people are uninsured in the US. If all the uninsured resided in one place, they would occupy the largest state in the union, CA and the state of Ohio. Another 50 million are underinsured. The cost of health care is going up so much employers are not able to keep up with the cost of providing coverage for employees. The average price tag for the family policy is $12,000 a year. Since 1990 the cost of insurance has gone up 131 percent; the cost of drugs has gone up 500 percent.

Excuses, Excuses, excuses !

The drug companies claim they have to cover the cost of research and development though increased cost of medications. The real truth is pharmaceutical companies spend billions more on unnecessary marketing. Under improved Medicare, the government will have tremendous purchasing power to negotiate lower prices from the pharmaceutical companies.  
                                  MARKETING                    RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT

Pfizer                         $16.90 billion                                  $ 7.68 billion                

Hoffman La Roche      $  7.24     "                                           $ 4.01   "
Johnson& Johnson      $15.86    "                                            $ 5.20   "
GlaxoSmithKline          $12.93    "                                            $ 5.20   ''                                                          


What Politicians Don't Want You To Know

The best comprehensive and affordable health care system for the US would be to expand and improve Medicare for all.  A Single Payer system such as HR676 modeled after the success of Medicare, addresses the social injustice from the moral and pragmatic perspective. The private insurers bureaucratic night mare undermines health care with hundreds of insurance plans, each with their own rules creating costly administrative waste. More than 25 % of that waste could be eliminated, saving the public 4 billion dollars each year. There is no lack of money to fund a system that would provide basic fundamental health care to every US citizen, that they are entitled to, regardless of their income, employment or health status, age or gender. These links provide knowledge every citizen needs to be informed about the health care plan special interest groups, lobbyists and politicians do not want you to know about.

www.HR676.org                                       www.unionsforsinglepayerHR676.org                                                                                                                                                                                           www.healthcare-now.org             http://guaranteedhealthcare4all.org                                                                                       www.businesscoaliton.net            www.wearetheunisured.org