Tuesday, May 29, 2012

What Politicians Don't Want You To Know

The best comprehensive and affordable health care system for the US would be to expand and improve Medicare for all.  A Single Payer system such as HR676 modeled after the success of Medicare, addresses the social injustice from the moral and pragmatic perspective. The private insurers bureaucratic night mare undermines health care with hundreds of insurance plans, each with their own rules creating costly administrative waste. More than 25 % of that waste could be eliminated, saving the public 4 billion dollars each year. There is no lack of money to fund a system that would provide basic fundamental health care to every US citizen, that they are entitled to, regardless of their income, employment or health status, age or gender. These links provide knowledge every citizen needs to be informed about the health care plan special interest groups, lobbyists and politicians do not want you to know about.

www.HR676.org                                       www.unionsforsinglepayerHR676.org                                                                                                                                                                                           www.healthcare-now.org             http://guaranteedhealthcare4all.org                                                                                       www.businesscoaliton.net            www.wearetheunisured.org     

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